Downloadable Publications of Christoph Lumer
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I. (Monographic) Books
B1—Lumer: Praktische Argumentationstheorie. Theoretische Grundlagen, praktische Begründung und Regeln wichtiger Argumentationsarten. – Publisher’s sales offer: Springer. Sales offer at Amazon: „Praktische Argumentationstheorie“ at Amazon.
Scan frontmatter: B001_Frontmatter_Scan.
Scan chapter 1: B001_Chapter1_Scan.
Scan chapter 2: B001_Chapter2_Scan.
Scan chapter 3: B001_Chapter3_Scan.
Scan chapter 4.1-4: B001_Chapter4.1-4_Scan.
Scan chapter 4.5-7: B001_Chapter4.5-7_Scan.
Scan chapter 5: B001_Chapter5_Scan.
Scan chapter 6: B001_Chapter6_Scan.
Scan chapter 7: B001_Chapter7_Scan.
Scan appendix: B001_Appendix_Scan.
B2—Lumer: Rationaler Altruismus. Eine prudentielle Theorie der Rationalität und des Altruismmus.
1. First edition.
2. Second, revised and enlarged edition 2009. – Contents, paper version and electronic version on publisher’s website: brill (ex-mentis).
B3—Lumer: The Greenhouse. A Welfare Assessment and Some Morals. – Download preprint: B003_Preprint. Contents on publisher’s website: lumer at rowman.
B4—Lumer: Kognitive Handlungstheorie. Empirische Handlungsgesetze, Freiheit und die
Grundlagen praktischer Rationalität.
II. Editions
E1—Lumer; Nannini (Eds.): Intentionality, Deliberation and Autonomy. The Action-Theor-
etic Basis of Practical Philosophy. – Contents, introduction, index on publisher’s website:
IDA at Ashgate.
E2 —Lumer (Ed.): The Epistemological Approach to Argumentation. – Journal’s Website for Download:
1st issue: 3.2005: Epistemological Approach I at Informal Logic.
2nd issue 1.2006: Epistemological Approach II at Informal Logic.
E3—Lumer (Ed.): Etica normativa. Principi dell’agire morale. – Contents on publisher’s website:
Etica normativa at Carocci.
E4—Lumer (Ed.): The Relevance of Rational Decision Theory for Ethics.
E5—Fehige; Lumer; Wessels (Eds): Handeln mit Bedeutung und Handeln
mit Gewalt. Philosophische Aufsätze für Georg Meggle. – Contents and introduction
on publisher’s website: Meggle FS at Mentis.
E6—Lumer; Meyer (Eds.): Geist und Moral. Analytische Reflexionen für Wolfgang Lenzen.
– Contents and introduction on publisher’s website: Lenzen FS at Mentis.
E7—Lumer (Ed.): Morality in Times of Naturalising the Mind. – Description on publisher’s website: <>; at: Amazon.
E8—Lumer; Romano (Eds.): Dalla filosofia dell’azione alla filosofia della mente – Riflessioni in onore di Sandro Nannini. – Download: E08_Print. – Open access on publisher’s website: <>.
III. Articles
A1—Lumer: The Disputation. A Special Type of Cooperative Argumentative Dialogue. – Download.
A2—Lumer: Ziele und Methoden der Philosophie. – Final manuscript: A2_FinalMs.
A3—Lumer: Argumentation, Argumentationstheorie. – Scan: Download.
A4—Lumer: Begründung. – Scan: Download.
A5—Lumer: Der philosophische Beitrag zur Verbesserung des Argumentierens: die Entwicklung von Gültigkeitskriterien für Argumentationen.
A6—Lumer: Bestätigung. – Scan: Download.
A7—Lumer: Diskurs- und Argumentationstheorie der Wahrheit und Rationalität? – Scan: A7_Scan.
A8—Lumer: Geltung – Gültigkeit.
1. Original version 1990. – Scan: Download.
2. Revised version 1999. – Scan: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
3. Strongly revised and enlarged version 2010.
A9―Lumer: Handlung. – Scan: Download.
A10―Lumer: Handlungstheorien. – Scan: Download.
A11―Lumer: Induktion. – Scan: Download.
A12―Lumer: Kognitivismus – Nonkognitivismus. – Scan: Download.
A13―Lumer: Normativ / deskriptiv / faktisch.
1. Original version 1990. – Scan: Download.
2. Completely revised and updated version 1999. – Scan: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
3. Enlarged and further revised version 2010.
A14―Lumer: Satz, Aussage. – Scan: Download.
A15―Lumer: Argumentative Dialoge. Eine philosophische Rekonstruktion von Disputationen. – Fi- nal manuscript: Download.
A16―Lumer: Structure and Function of Argumentations. An Epistemological Approach to Deter-mining Criteria for the Validity and Adequacy of Argumentations. – Final manuscript: Download.
A17―Lumer: Handlungstheoretisch erklärende Interpretationen als Mittel der semantischen Bedeutungsanalyse. – Download: A17_Scan.
A18―Lumer: Die Lücke zwischen Urteil und Handeln und die Bedeutung von „x ist gut für die Person y“. – Download: A18_Scan.
A19―Lumer: Der theoretische Ansatz der Praktischen Argumentationstheorie. – A19_finalMs.
A20―Lumer: Was ist eine triftige Moralbegründung?
A21―Lumer: Which Preferences Shall Be the Basis of Rational Decision? – Final manuscript: Download.
A22―Lumer: Wünschbarkeitsaggregationsethik statt Ethik der abwägenden Vernunft.
A23―Lumer: Habermas‘ Diskursethik. – Download: A23_finalMs.
A24―Lumer: Propositionen. – Download: A24_Scan.
A25―Lumer: Motivation zu moralischem Handeln und Diskursethik.
A26―Lumer: Rules and Moral Norms in Sports. – Fianal manuscript: Download.
A27―Lumer: Practical Arguments for Theoretical Theses.
1. Revised and improved version 1997. – Final manuscript: Download.
2. Original version 1995.
A28―Lumer: Implikaturen – Allgemeine Theorie und argumentationstheoretische Anwendung. – Final manuscript: Implikaturen.
A29―Lumer: Sein-Sollen-Schlüsse und andere Typen der Moralbegründung.
A30―Lumer: Kognitive Handlungstheorie – der methodische Ansatz.
A31―Lumer: Persönlichkeitstheoretisch korrigierter Hedonismus. – Scan: A31_Scan.
A32―Lumer: Utilex – Verteilungsgerechtigkeit auf Empathiebasis. – Scan: A32_Scan. Final manusscript: A32_FinalMs.
A33―Lumer: Argumentationstheorie und Logik. – Final manuscript: Download.
A34―Lumer: Wer oder was zählt in der ökologischen Ethik?
A35―Lumer: The Content of Originally Intrinsic Desires and of Intrinsic Motivation. – Scan: Download.
A36―Lumer: Höffes Theorie politischer Gerechtigkeit. – Download.
A37―Lumer: Argumentation / Argumentationstheorie.
1. Original version 1999. – Scan: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
2. Revised and updated version 2010.
A38―Lumer: Begründung.
1. Original version 1999. – Scan: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
2. Revised and updated version 2010.
A39―Lumer: Der Treibhauseffekt – moralische Bewertung und moralische Pflichten.
A40―Lumer: Intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit. Eine Herausforderung für den ethischen Universalismus und die moralische Motivation. – Download: A40_Scan; A40_FinalMs.
A41―Lumer: Quellen der Moral. Plädoyer für einen prudentiellen Altruismus. – Scan: A41_Scan. Final manuscript: Download.
A42―Lumer: Reductionism in Fallacy Theory.
1. Main version 2000. – A42.1_FinalMs.
2. Abridged version 1999. – Print: Download.
A43―Lumer: Aussage / Satz. – Scan: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
A44―Lumer: Behauptung.
1. Original version 1999. – Scan: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
2. Revised and updated version 2010.
A45―Lumer: Proposition. – Scan: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
A46―Lumer: Kognitivismus / Nonkognitivismus.
1. Original version 1999. – Scan: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
2. Enlarged and updated version 2010.
A47―Lumer: Induktion.
1. Original version 1999. – Scan: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
2. Revised and updated version 2010. – Final manuscript: Download.
A48―Lumer: Handlung / Handlungstheorie.
1. Original version 1999. – Scan: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
2. Strongly revised, enlarged and updated version 2010.
A49―Lumer: Gerechtigkeit. – Scan: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
A50―Lumer: Motive zu moralischem Handeln. – Scan: Download. Proofs: Download.
A51―Lumer: Integrative Wirtschaftsethik besser ohne Diskursethik.
A52―Lumer: Treibhauseffekt und Zukunftsverantwortung. – Final manuscript: Download.
A53―Lumer: Präferenzen. 2002; 2006.
A54—Lumer: Libet’s Experiments and the Possibility of Free Conscious Decision. – Download: A54_Print.
A55―Lumer: Kantischer Externalismus und Motive zu moralischem Handeln.
1. Complete version 2002/03. – Scan: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
2. Abridged version 2000. – Full text on GAP-webpage: Lumer on Kant at GAP.
A56―Lumer: Intentions Are Optimality Beliefs – but Optimizing what? – Download: A56_Print. Final manuscript: A56_FinalMs.
A57―Lumer: Entscheidungsfreiheit. – Scan: Download.
A58―Lumer: Ein Maximinprinzip der Güterverteilung – Zu Kollers Theorie der sozialen Gerechtigkeit.
A59―Lumer: Interpreting Arguments. – Print: Download. – Final manuscript: Download.
A60―Lumer: Prinzipien der Generationengerechtigkeit. / Principles of generational justice.
1. German original 2003. – Final manuscript: Download.
2. Englisch translation 2006. – Final manuscript: Download. – Online publication at Equality Exchange: Generational Justice at Equality Exchange.
A61―Lumer: Der moralische Status von Embryonen – internalistisch begründet. – Scan: A61_Scan. Final manuscript: Download.
A62―Lumer: Vom Primat der Werte – Wertethik versus Pflicht- und Tugendethik. – Final manuscript: Download.
A63―Lumer: Utilitarismus. – Scan: A63_Scan. Final manuscript: Download.
A64―Lumer: Desires and Explanatory Reasons. – Download.
A65―Lumer: Analytische Philosophie und Logik. – Final manuscript: Download.
A66―Lumer: Prioritarian Welfare Functions – An Elaboration and Justification. – Download: A66_Print.
A67―Lumer: An Empirical Theory of Practical Reasons and its Use for Practical Philosophy. – Download: A67_Scan; A67_FinalMs.
A68―Lumer: The Epistemological Theory of Argument – How and Why? – Scan: Download. Article at Informal Logic: Epistemological Theory of Argument at Informal Logic. – Final manuscript: Download.
A69―Lumer: Argument / Argumentation. – Final manuscript: Download.
A70―Lumer: The Epistemological Approach to Argumentation – A Map. – Scan: Download. Article at Informal Logic: Epistemological Approach Map at Informal Logic. – Final manuscript: Download.
A71―Lumer: Pragma-Dialectics and the Function of Argumentation.
1. Main version 2010. – Final manuscript: Download.
2. Abridged version 2007.
A72―Lumer: Überreden ist gut, überzeugen ist besser! Argumentativer Ethos in der Rhetorik. – Download.
A73―Lumer: Kognitivismus und praktische Begründung. – Download.
A74―Lumer: The Action-Theoretic Basis of Practical Philosophy. – Final manuscript: Download.
A75―Lumer: Absichten – begrifflich und empirisch. – Download.
A76―Lumer: Altruismus / Egoismus. – Download: A76_3rdEd,2019_Scan; A76_Penultimate,EnrichedMs; A76_EnglishTranslationOfPenultimateMs.
A77―Lumer: Priorità per chi sta peggio. Valori e norme morali nel prioritarismo etico. – Download: A77_Scan; A77_FinalMs.
A78―Lumer: Moral Desirability and Rational Decision. – Final manuscript: Download.
A79―Lumer: Ethische Argumentationen. – Download: A79_Proofs; A79_FinalMs.
A80―Lumer: Objektivität und der Unterschied zwischen Ethik und Wissenschaft. [Zu Gerhard Ernsts „Die Objektivität der Moral“.] – Final manuscript: Download.
A81―Lumer: Etica normativa. Alla ricerca dei principi dell’agire morale. – Download: A81_Scan.
A82―Lumer: Introduction: The Relevance of Rational Decision Theory for Ethics. – Final manuscript: A82_Print; Download A82-FinalMs.
A83―Lumer: Ethische Argumentationen für moralische Prinzipien und der Theorietyp der materialen Ethik. – Final manuscript: Download.
A84―Lumer: Abwegige Absichtsrealisierung und Handlungssteuerung. Eine intentional-kausalistische Erklärung. – Download.
A85―Lumer: What is Practical Knowledge? – Final Manuscript: Download.
A86―Lumer: How to Interpret Human Actions (Including Moral Actions). – Download: A86_Scan; FinalMs.
A87―Lumer: Aussage / Satz / Proposition. – Final manuscript: Download.
A88―Lumer: Ethik humanitärer Interventionen. Eine konsequentialistische Konzeption. – Final manuscript: Download.
A89―Lumer: Präferenz.
A90―Lumer: Analytische Ethik.
1. Original 2010. – Final manuscript: Download.
2. Reprint 2014.
A91―Lumer: Climate Change, Intergenerational Justice and Development. / Klimawandel, Generationengerechtigkeit und Entwicklung.
1. English original 2009. – Print: Download A91.1-Print. Article at Intergenerational Justice Review:
2. German translation 2009. – Final manuscript: Download.
A92―Lumer: Menschen im permanenten vegetativen Zustand – ihr moralischer Status, ihre moralischen Rechte. GAP. – Print: Download.
A93―Lumer: Attributive Verantwortung – eine Theorieskizze. GAP. – Print: Download.
A94―Lumer: Probabilistic Arguments in the Epistemological Approach to Argumentation. – Download: A94_Print.
A95―Lumer: Der Primat der Leidensverminderung. Von neminem laede zum Prioritarismus. – Final manuscript: Download.
A96―Lumer: Tre tipi di teorie filosofiche. – Download.
A97―Lumer: Argument Schemes – An Epistemological Approach. – Download A97-Print.
A98―Lumer: Subjunctive Tu quoque Arguments. Commentary on Anderson, Aikin & Casey. – Final manuscript: Download.
A99―Lumer: Responsibility in Times of the Naturalised Mind – Is Ascriptive Responsibility Unfair?
A100―Lumer: Emotional Decisions. The Induction-of-Intrinsic-Desires Theory. – Download: A100_Scan; A100_FinalMs.
A101―Lumer: The Epistemic Inferiority of Pragma-Dialectics – Reply to Botting. – Download. Article at Informal Logic: Inferiority of Pragma-Dialectics at Informal Logic.
A102―Lumer: Combining Intergenerational and International Justice.
1. Original version: – Download.
2. German Translation: Die Kombination von intergenerationeller und internationaler Gerechtigkeit. – Download: A102.2_Print.
A103―Lumer: The Volitive and the Executive Function of Intentions.
1. Full text (Philosophical Studies): Final Manuscript: Download: A103.1_FinalMs. Print at Springer: A103.1_At Springer.
2. Abbreviated version: Webpublication proceedings: Function of Intentions at Uni Munic.
A104―Lumer: Willensschwäche – Eine Systematisierung und eine Erklärung. – Download A104.2_Print.
A105—Lumer: Morality in Times of Naturalising the Mind – An Overview. – Download: A105_Print.
A106—Lumer: The Effectiveness of Intentions – A Critique of Wegner. – Download: A106_Print.
A107.2—Lumer: Practical Arguments for Prudential Justifications of Actions. – Download: A107.2_Print. Web publication: URL: <>.
A108—Lumer: Individualismus in der Wohlfahrtsethik – Moralische Probleme der Nutzenaggregation. – Download: A108_finalMs.
A109—Lumer: Person, Selbst, Ich – ein handlungstheoretischer Ansatz. – Download: A109.2_Print.
A110—Lumer; Ince: Islamic Theological Arguments. An Epistemological Systematisation. – Download: A110_Print. Web publication: URL: <>.
A111—Lumer: Walton’s Argumentation Schemes.
2. Abridged version: – Download: A111.2_Print. – Online publication proceedings: <>.
A112—Lumer: Commentary on “On Appeals to (Visual) Models”: Appeals to Visual Models – An Epistemological Reconstruction of an Argument Type. – Download: A112_Print. – Online publication proceedings: <>.
A113—Lumer: Automatic Actions – Agency, Intentionality, and Responsibility. – Download: A113_FinalMs. – Online Publication: <>.
A114—Lumer: Ethical arguments for moral principles. – Download: A114_FinalMs. Online-Publication: URL: <>
A115—Lumer: Responsabilità attributiva – senso, precisazione e soluzione del problema profondo. – Download: A115_Print.
A116—Lumer: Strength of Justification – The Rational Degree of Certainty Approach. – Download: A116_Print-Scan; A116_Proofs. On publisher’s website:
A117—Lumer: Unconscious Motives and Actions – Agency, Freedom and Responsibility. – Download: A117_Print. On publisher’s website, open access:
A118—Lumer: Libertà del volere – dalla filosofia teoretica alla filosofia pratica. Un dialogo con Sandro Nannini. – Download: A118_Print. Open access on publisher’s website:
A119—Lumer: Recognizing Argument Types and Adding Missing Reasons. – Download: A119_Print. Web publication:
A120—Lumer: Arguments from Expert Opinion – An Epistemological Approach. – Download: A120_Print.
A121—Lumer: Knowledge and the epistemic function of argumentation – Comment on Gascón’s „Where are dissent and reasons in epistemic justification?“. – Download: A121_Print.
A122—Lumer: A Theory of Philosophical Arguments. – Download: A122_Print. On publisher’s website: <>.
A123—Lumer: Automated Argument Analysis – Comment on: Mizrahi & Dickinson: „Argumentation in Philosophical Practice: An Empirical Study“. – Download: A123_Print. On publisher’s website: <>.
A124—1. Main text: Lumer: Wie effizient sollen Altruisten handeln? – Download: A124.1_FinalMs.
2. Appendix: Lumer: Berechnungen der moralischen Effizienz zweier wohltätiger Projekte – Kinderheim in Guatemala vs. Malariaprophylaxe. – Download: A124.2_Appendix_Print.
A125—Lumer: Präferenzen, Nutzen und ihre Aggregation – Download: A125_Preprint. On publisher’s website: <>.
A126—Lumer: Berechnungen der moralischen Effizienz. – Download: A126_Print. On publisher’s website: <>.
A127—Lumer: From Utilitarianism to Prioritarianism. – Download: A127_Print. On publisher’s website: <>.
A128—Lumer: How to Define ‚Prioritarianism‘ and Distinguish It from (Moderate) Egalitarianism. – Download: A128_Print. On publisher’s website: <>.
A129—Lumer: An Epistemological Appraisal of Walton’s Argument Schemes. – Download: A129_Print. On Publisher’s website: URL = <>.
A130—Lumer: La funzione morale della democrazia deliberativa. [(Italian) = The moral function of deliberative democracy.] – Download: A130_Scan.
A131—Lumer: Epistemic Norms for Public Political Arguments. – Download: A131_Print. On publisher’s website: <>.
A132—Zenker et al. & Lumer: Norms of Public Argumentation and the Ideals of Correctness and Participation. – Download: A132_Print. On publisher’s website: <>.
A133—Lumer: Strikter Pazifismus oder Wahl der besten Alternative? [(German) = Strict Pacifism or Choice of the Best Option?] – Download: A133_FinalMs. On publisher’s website: <>.
A134—Lumer: The Relevance of Skovoroda’s Ethical Principles. Skovoroda’s Discussion of Real Happiness. – Download: 134_Print. On journal website:;
A135—Lumer: Justifying the Epistemological Theory of Argumentation. On Harvey Siegel’s Approach. – Download: A135_Print. On journal website: or
A136—Lumer: Rules for Epistemically Oriented Argumentative Dialogues. – Download: A136_Print_241115; A136_FinalMs (better formatting). On publisher’s website:
A137—Lumer: Altruismus – Probleme und Fragestellungen in der philosophischen Debatte. [(German) = Altruism – Problems and Issues in the Philosophical Debate.] – Download: A137_Print; A137_FinalMs. Full Look inside at Amazon. On publisher’s website:
IV. Other Works
C1—Lumer: Allgemeine Techniktheorie – Die instrumentelle und politische Dimension der Technik. – Download C001_Manuscript.
C2—Lumer: Wie gut ist das Leben? Eine prudentielle Wünschbarkeitstheorie und ihre Anwendung auf ausgewählte Lebenssituationen.
C3—Kanzian; Lumer; Schurz; Walter: Über den Kongress der „Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie“.
C4—Lumer: Our Moral Responsibility Regarding Climate Change.
1. German version: Unsere moralische Verantwortung in Sachen Klimawandel. – On webpage of Goethe-Institut: Verantwortung Klimawandel at Goethe: <>. – Download.
2. Serbo-Croat-Bosnian Translation: Naša moralna odgovornost za klimatske promjene. – On webpage of Goethe-Institut: klimatske promjene at Goethe: <>. – Download.
C5—Lumer; Meyer: Vorwort [Eulogy on Wolfgang Lenzen.]. – Final manuscript: Download.
C6—Lumer: Moralisches Argumentieren ohne Moral und Demokratie ohne Demos? Kommentar zu: Gregor Betz. – Download: C6_Print.
C7—Lumer: Reviews in Philosophy. – Download: C7_Print. Web print: <>.
C8—Lumer; Romano: Prefazione [For: Dalla filosofia dell’azione alla filosofia della mente – Riflessioni in onore di Sandro Nannini.] – .
C9—Lumer: The Moral Function of Deliberative Democracy. Lecture recording.
C10—Lumer: Gute Methoden in der Praktischen Philosophie: idealisierende Hermeneutik und technischer Konstruktivismus. – Link to the blog. <> Final manuscript: C10_FinalMs.
C11—Lumer: The Task of Politics within Morals. – Download: C11_FinalMs; Organiser’s Site: <>.
C12—Lumer: The Relevance of Skovoroda’s Ethical Principles. – Download: C12_Ms.
C13—Zenker et al.; Lumer: Goals and functions of public argumentation. – Download: C13_FinalMs191122; other URL: <>.
C14—Lumer et al.: A theory of retrospective responsibility. – Download: C14_Ms.
D44—Lumer: The Aims of Morality. – Manuscript: Download D44_manuscript.